Black Hellebore Essence


This Black Hellebore flower essence was prepared during the Full Storm Moon in fresh NY spring water that was collected after the recent Lunar Eclipse.

Suggested for shadow work, ancestral healing, past life regression, & grounding.



This beautiful Black Hellebore (aka Ice/Christmas Rose) stopped me completely in my tracks at the grocery store and commanded to be brought home. As a shade-loving and cold-blooming plant, I feel that she knew her medicine would be appreciated during the shadowy eclipse season we are collectively experiencing.

Black Hellebore is a poisonous plant with a scandalous reputation in both history and magic. There are stories of her poison being used to produce poisonous fruits (through grafting), of witches adding her to their legendary flying ointment, and of wizards using her flowers to make themselves invisible. She was used in ancient times to cure insanity, to remove curses, and to exorcise demonic spirits, however the symptoms of intoxication from this plant also appear to be that of insanity and ingestion could be fatal. Legend has it that Alexander the Great himself fell to her poisoning. Thankfully, through flower essences we can appreciation Black Hellebore’s medicine without such intoxication.

To Use: Take 1-3 drops on the tongue as needed. Imagine the plant & invite it to be your ally. Plant energies may affect different people in different ways. Try to notice when you feel the desire to take this flower essence. Meditate on the energy and/or message that this plant has for you.

Ingredients: Essence of Black Hellebore & the Full Storm Moon, fresh NY spring water collected after a Lunar Eclipse, & brandy



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